The following poem was written by Jesse G. Herrera for Elsa on March 1, 2022, and is published here with his permission.

Did he bite off more than he could chew? Ask, the bollards?
Did he stick his foot in his mouth, when he said, "Not Another Foot?"
Ask the Monarch, who made the one finger salute...lying beneath
the treads of a fifty-five ton caterpillar...lying beneath the concrete
of the U.S. Government's barbed wire lies, toilet paper promises
and piles of bullshit...all the while, stuck to their We Build The
Wall shoe, dragging a piece of toilet tissue like a flag...the official
flag of the Right Wing heir's go Joseph Goebbels, spewing their
diarrhea of lies, Third Reich wannabes inciting violence at NBC, a
Garden of Eden for butterflies...Ay Mariposa, two wrongs don't
make a Wright, but a "Proud Left Wing thug" with their "sham
butterfly agenda," Ay Mariposa...Is this the American Way? Ask
the Milkweed. Must their Mar-a-Lago daddy be proud? Ask Adolf.
Egg, to caterpillar to chrysalis to butterfly...
Rise, Rise, Rise...raise the vibration as Muhammad Ali said, "Float
like a butterfly. Sting like a bee."
I shall sing my song. I shall be free as a butterfly...soaring above
No Border Wall! No Border Wall! No Border Wall!
Tear it down! Tear is down! Tear it down!
Remember the Alamo? Hell, No!
Remember, Not Another Foot!